About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill University. My office is in Burnside Hall (805, rue Sherbrooke Ouest) on the 12th floor, room 1230.

Before that, I was a Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Ottawa in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, working under the supervision of David Haziza.

I did a Ph.D. in Mathematics in the Laboratory of Mathematics of Besançon at the Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, working under the supervision of the professors Camelia Goga from the Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté and David Haziza from the University of Ottawa.

On July 12, 2022, I defended my PhD thesis entitled Statistical learning for high-dimensional sampling.

Research interests

My main research interest lies in the intersection between the theory of survey sampling with possible missing data and statistical learning.

More precisely, I am working on developing and analyzing the properties of methodologies for solving estimation problems in survey sampling, with possible nonresponse, using tools from statistical learning. I am particularly interested in cases when the number of covariates is especially large (high-dimensional scenarios).

More recently, I also began working on resampling methods (e.g., cross-validation, jackknife, bootstrap) and their applications for model selection in survey sampling and time series. See the Publication for details about my publications.


I am currently teaching the courses MATH 533 (Linear regression and analysis of variance) and MATH 525 (Sampling Theory and Applications) at McGill University. For details, including the material of the course, please see McGill myCourses website.

During my Ph.D., I was also a teaching assistant at the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté for classes in Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. I have been teaching classes both in mathematics (research course in statistics, statistical learning, survey sampling, elementary statistics, calculus) and computer sciences (oriented-object programming with C++, an advanced R course, and Python). For some of these courses, I gave lectures, exercises, and coding sessions, while for others, I gave only some parts of the courses.

For more details about teaching, please see the Teaching page.

Awards and distinctions

In 2022, I had the honor of being named Laureate of the first edition of the Jean-Claude Deville Prize of the French Statistical Society. See the Jean-Claude Deville prize webpage for details.

Grants and funding

I am currently supported by grants from NSERC (Discovery Grants) and Mitacs (Accelerate Proposal).

During my Ph.D., my research was supported by grants from the region of Franche-Comté and Médiamétrie, the French audience measurement company for TV, radio, and internet.

Curriculum vitæ

An English version of my curriculum vitæ can be found here.